Thursday, November 19, 2009


I've been slacking on my gratefuls because I've been really busy at work and haven't had time. But I remembered today so here you go!!

1. Joni... I know I already said my sisters before but I wanted to talk more about Joni. She's happy go lucky, beautiful, and smart. She sings so good and has brand new dance moves! :) we grew up the closest together within our siblings and in turn had the most laughs and the most fights. But, now I talk to her often and call her with every question, concern, and story that I come across in life. What more could you ask for?! Love ya Bones!

2. My Mom. I know I said family before too but just listen. :) My mom has ALWAYS tried to do EVERYTHING she could for her family. Financially and emotionally. She stretches herself to make sure her kids have things they want or need. She makes us all a little crazy sometimes but she can also make us laugh. I am glad she's still around, I love her...

3. Mandy... Mandy is my best friend. Her and I are honest with each other, can laugh together, and have cried together too. She is expecting her next baby in the next week and I can't wait! Her and her little boy are amazing and I'm so glad I Have them in my life! She's the best Best Friend a gal could ask for... :)

4. Alumni Basketball Tournament. This is a tournament that happens at the Cardston High School every year on the weekend of US Thanksgiving. They have the past and present Varsity boys and girls basketball teams get together and play a big tournament that goes on for 2 days. I get to see old friends and family and catch up with everyone and I love seeing how everyone is doing!! Plus watching basketball is always fun in my book!

5. Days off. Chase will be home in a week for 5 days!! And I have the weekends off. I love being able to deep clean my house on the weekends, have time to take my dogs for walks, make a good meal and watch whatever movies or tv I want!!! Plus lazy sundays are the best!! I can't wait to have some days off with my hubby while he's home!!!

So much to be grateful for!! LOVE IT!!!


Joni said...

Good ones. You are the sweetest sister, and I'm glad we're so close. I love you.