Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1 more sleep and Grateful for it!

One more sleep until I can see my husband! He will be home late tomorrow night and I am SO excited!!!

Today I am grateful for:

1. Getting to see my family on webcam just barely. Adrienne turned her webcam on and I chat with her on MSN Messenger and then Jim, Leslie, Hunter, Tralee, Tand, Cass, Ade, and my Mom and said hi to me on webcam and waved and my Mom even did a little dance for me! :) I'm glad I got to see them and I hope they are having fun!

2. Judy's homemade salsa!! She cans salsa every year and its YUM CITY!!!!

3. My Grandma J's recipes. Call me a little bias but she is THE BEST cook ever! She bakes and cooks and she makes some yummy treats! I have her brown bread recipe, her YUMMY potato salad recipe, and desserts from her too!! I wish I lived closer so I could just go to her house and have her teach me to bake all day long!

4. SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have lots of money to shop but shoes are always on my radar! I love cute ones, but comfy ones are the best! If they are cute and comfy thats just a bonus! And I like a bargain! I check wal-mart, payless, and places like that, because they are cheap!

5. 4:30pm everyday! I'm done work!!