Monday, May 10, 2010


Today is Day 1 of me seeing what its like to not eat meat.

I decided I wanted to try it out because my body has been craving fruits, and salad a lot lately. So I figured I should take that as a sign and just see what its like. I asked Leslie and my friend Micah for any recipes they knew of or web sites to get new vegetarian recipes. Today is the perfect day to start because Chase leaves for 10 days at a time and I won't have to cook 2 meals everyday. I can just make my meal and not be tempted with what I am cooking him for dinner. We went grocery shopping to stock up on food for Chase to take to his hotel and we bought a lot of stuff for me to try too!! I went to this store called Nutter's Natural Foods and bought tofu, vegetaran burgers, spinach salad, fruit, refried beans, eggs, and I found these prepackaged lunches (kind of like lean cuisine meals) that are teriyaki veggies and tofu over rice. I make stirfrys fairly often and decided I would try to add a little tofu to mine instead of chicken and see how I like it. If I don't like tofu I can just make my stirfrys without tofu and just the veggies!

I am not going to cut out eggs and milk and cheese or anything like that. And I don't think I would be able to go vegetarian forever, but I am excited to try it out! I also decided that I wanted to cut down on my snacking, so today when I cut out meat I am also cutting out chips. I know I am going to want to snack so I bought rice cakes and rice works chips so I could have a substitute.

So wish me luck and if anyone has any recipes that they have tried send them my way!

Day One here I come!!!!


Amberly said...

I like your attitude that you are giving it a try instead of committing to a major change for the rest of your life.

Sometimes as a last minute meal at night, we'll make top ramen and add sauted veggies or scrambled egg. I also love quiche- just buy premade pie crust and fill it with scrambled eggs, milk, cheese and a few veggies that sound good. bake and enjoy!

Leslie said...

Tofu absorbs the flavor of whatever you're cooking it in. I like to get the pre-flavored tofu, and I just add it into the stirfry veggies. However, if you have plain tofu, you might want to marinade it first, or make sure you flavor your stir-fry with soy sauce or something. I'm not a fan of just plain tofu, I need to add flavor to it. Make sure you get extra frim or firm tofu for stir fry. I made the mistake of getting soft tofu once, and it just crumbled into tiny little pieces. Soft tofu IS good to add to smoothies. It really helps fill you up. Good luck!!!!! Post any good recipes on your blog you come across!