Thursday, January 21, 2010


Now, there are not a lot of things I enjoy about the cold weather. Not a lot at all. 'Why does she live in Canada?' you might be asking yourself. Well, I ask myself that question a lot too. Good friends, good atmosphere, family, but also cold weather. I am more of a sunny weather-lay out and tan-kind of gal. I like beaches, the ocean, snorkeling, tanning, building sand castles, and playing in the waves. But on this particular day, I don't mind the cold because one of my favorite things happened. Let me show you.

THIS!!!! I LOVE THIS!!! I love when its just cold enough to frost, and that frost reaches to every single little branch on huge trees like this.

No branch is left out, no little tiny guy, or huge big branch. Nope, they are all the same. Frost to the very tips of all of them. And I think its gorgeous!!

On days like these I wish Chase would just drive me around and let me stare out the window so I could see all the trees in the whole city while they are like this.

I am sorry that the pictures are at night. It looks even more glorious during the day. I had every intentions on taking pictures right when we got back from errands but got busy and forgot. I hope these paint a good enough picture for you. Now, if only it could be warm and still look like this. That would be bliss........