Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What an awesome day!

Oh man today was good!

I spent the day at the hospital with my Mom and she was hilarious! you can read all the stories on her blog,

She is really coming around and they are not using as much medication which is awesome because now we are seeing how she would be just coming back to normal. She still slurs her words a bit and makes up words when she can't remember what word goes where but for the most part she is doing awesome. She gets to go to her house on Saturday for the day and she has been dying to get out of that hospital so we are hoping that will be a positive experience for her.

I'm staying in Meridian at my Aunt Michelle's house with my brother Jim and his wife Leslie because Michelle and Roman have gone to Hawaii and they are staying with their kids, so I am too! These kids are so much fun. I also got to spend time with my sister Joni this week and I'm glad because I don't get to see her often. I hope she starts feeling better soon!

I'll probably write again and tell you how the rest of my week with my Mom goes!

Until next time.....