Its been a long time since I have posted a blog. I don't even know what I have been up to. So here is an update on us. Chase is still working building and tearing down scaffolds at a gas plant out near Pincher Creek and Waterton. He usually works 9 or 10 days in a row with 4 days off, but right now he is working a 15 day stretch and then will have the Labor Day weekend off. I hate long stretches of work when he is gone.
I am now 18 weeks pregnant. I wish I could say I was further along, I feel like I've been pregnant forever. A couple weeks after my last post I felt less queasy all the time and only threw up because I would gag on things. I gag after I brush my teeth and I gag on my own mucous, (totally gross, I try to get my loogies out all day long). I still gag on those things to this day but I have not thrown up in weeks, almost 3 now.
I cry at lots of commercials, random tv shows, pretty much whenever I see someone else crying on tv or in real life, I cry. :) Chase always leans forward when we are watching a movie to see if I am tearing if the movie is at a sad part. I've gained weight, I have a belly bump. I have not had any weird cravings, I just like to eat in general and sometimes I forget to eat lunch and then I feel sooooo sick by dinnertime. I don't know why I forget, but I have a couple times and hunger pains when you are pregnant are intensified by like 20. Super uncomfortable.
In 2 weeks I will be halfway through the pregnancy! WHOOP WHOOP! On Sept 7th we have our ultrasound to find out what we are having (if baby lets us). Chase is convinced its a boy, lots of other people are convinced its a girl. I have had no feeling either way as to what baby is. Some weeks I am telling a story and call the baby a 'she' and the next week its a 'he'. So who knows.
I have not felt baby move yet. I am waiting for that to happen but am not really excited to feel it. Let me explain. I get uneasy between doctors visits. I don't like that I can't feel baby move because I want to know that baby is ok, and when I don't feel the baby I feel nervous that something is wrong. I LOVED hearing the heartbeat, that was such a relief. But I have never been a big fan of pregnancy and think its totally weird when babies move around inside peoples bellies. Gross. I will feel relieved when I finally feel it, but I hope it doesn't gross me out too much. I've tried to tell people for years, I wasn't meant to have kids, nothing about being pregnant appeals to me, I'll be happy when baby is finally here, even if I do lose sleep. Lots of ladies tell me to cherish this time and that they LOVED when they felt their babies move. I hope I love it, right now the thought of it grosses me right out. haha... We'll see if that changes.
That is all I can think of for now. I am going to take some baby belly pics this week so I have some documentation of when I was pregnant. And when we find out what baby is I will let you know!
Until next time........