Chase used to live in Georgia, in fact he lived there twice. He has Uncles down there that have businesses and he went to work with them and live near his cousins. Chase had not been back to Georgia in 7 years.
This post is going to start off a bit sad as there is a reason Chase had not been back for 7 years.
In July of 2005 Chase was living in Peachtree City, GA with his Uncle Brad and Aunt Vicky for the second time. Hurricane Cindy was coming in full force and pouring rain and wind down on the Atlanta area. In a matter of an hour Peachtree City was flooded. Chase and his cousins and even Uncle Brad went down the road just past their house and saw the water up over the road and flooding the whole valley. ON the road it was up to their calves and over the grassy areas it was over their heads. The place where they were had a culvert that went under that road and met with a canal that washed into Lake Peachtree. But the culvert at the time was only about 3 feet wide. And for all that water to try to get through a 3 foot culvert was hard enough, but then you add in branches and trees and all the debris and it makes it very backed up. The boys decided to make the best of it. Uncle Brad grabbed his truck and drove up and down the road pulling the boys behind on the wake board. Why not try wake boarding somewhere new eh? Always looking for an adventure. Chase decided while they were doing that he was just going to swim around in the new lake that had formed. A minute later, no one could see Chase. He had vanished. He was under water long enough for his cousin Danen, and his friends Brock and Brett to form a plan to wade in the water reaching down with their arms and trying to feel for Chase. They had got a rope by this time to try and move down into the water over the culvert more, but then still be able to pull anybody back up if needed. Next thing you knew, Chase's cousin Danen was gone. Brock had his legged sucked down into the water and Brett was using the rope to pull him back up. Under the water Chase says he remembers feeling a tree, branches, and pain. Part of the culvert metal was old and peeling back and Chase had cut his foot on it. He finally re-surfaced on the other side and made it to the side of the bank and up, but not without a hard hard fight. He tells everyone he is ok, but they inform him, that Danen went under trying to find Chase. Danen's Dad, Uncle Brad, decides to jump in after his son. He was getting sucked down with such force he tried to hold onto the metal that was hanging down from the culvert when he was under there, and he ended up tearing his rotator cuff in his shoulder. Knowing that he was going through the same culvert as Chase and Danen, he made himself wide trying to feel for anything he could. As he got dropped out the other side, he got a breath before getting pushed down and tossed around. He made the same fight Chase did and made his way to the bank. Still no Danen.

This is Chase seeing the culvert for the first time since the accident. The place where Chase is standing in this pic close to where he was swimming when he got pulled under, so the water was well to or above his head.
Rescue teams searched for Danen as long as they could into the night. Hurricane Cindy had moved so much water in that it was like a playground for the Water Mocassins that were in the canal.(snakes)
The rescue team worked as far down the canal searching as they could before hitting the huge snake nest, and then started again when it was safe down the canal after the nest. They called off their search at 2:00am.
At around 9:00am Uncle Brad and Aunt Vicky could hear the sirens and see the lights from their house. They quickly ran over to see if they had found their son, and they had. Danen had hit his head on the metal that was hanging down leaving a gash on his forehead rendering him unconscious, and leaving him to drown.
His body was found right beside the snake nest, and right where the rescuers could not search. Uncle Brad and Aunt Vicky got their as they were putting their son in a body bag. Uncle Brad blessed Danen's body and they said their goodbyes.
This wreath is hung on a tree right beside the canal at the spot where they found Danen.
This is the side of the culvert where Chase and Uncle Brad came out and fought to get to the bank. The spot that almost took Chase out of this world, and I wouldn't have him or Zayah. I was a wreck as you can imagine. As you can see the culvert is not 3 feet wide. The area of this road has all been redone since the accident to make water flow easier and more smooth and to prevent back up.
As fate would have it, we ended up being in GA for Danen's birthday. We did not even know. Pictures of the family at his graveside are later in the post.
Okay, now we will lighten things up a bit.
The canal I was talking about flows into Lake Peachtree there in the background.
The first full night we were there Jocelyn (Our Hostess) had planned a dinner for everyone to come see Chase. This is Chase and his friend Brett seeing each other and catching up for the first time in 7 years.
We were all about the Summer dresses in GA. :)
This is Chase's cousin Laurel. Everyone calls her Yo-Yo.
Chase's sister Jennifer decided to come and have a vacation at the same time we were there. This is Chase and Jennifer with their babies Zayah and Isabelle.
We want to go for a day on the lake!!
This is Jocelyn, she is due May 14th and even at 8 months pregnant was the most delightful hostess.
Danen's birthday we met up with the family at the cemetery.
Just my gorgeous girl..
Baby Isabelle is so cute and funny. :)
Jocelyn's husband, Garrett. Practicing with the babes for when his babe finally arrives!
Danen's grave,... such a beautiful cemetery.
The girls.
Jennifer, Jocelyn, Cammi, Stacy(Danen's sister in law) and Zayah.
The boys with Danen(just missing Brett)
Brandon(Danen's brother and Chase's cousin), Chase and Brock(the friend who was searching for Chase with Brett and Danen the day of the accident).
Expectant parents Garrett and Jocelyn.
Aunty Vicky, Uncle Brad, Jenn, Garrett and Jocelyn.
A sunny day to play on Lake Peachtree.
Water baby
Floating with the girls
This was our first paddle boarding adventure and we loved it!
Z needed a try.
Chase and Brock out on the lake.
My sexy man.
I tried it out too. I was nervous but I didn't fall!!
Family pic. Everything is so lush and green there, I love it.
Chase and Jenny with their babes.
How gorgeous are these girls? Seriously...
Cousins in their Sunday dresses.
Cousins in their matching outfits... :)
Our last full day in Georgia we hit up the Georgia Aquarium!
Looking at the fishes.
The big tank. So many things to see.
Walking under the tank.
Just trying to see it all.
They had whale sharks, and manta rays, and sharks, and big huge fish and everything you could thing of!!
My favorite picture of the day.
Whale Shark.
Looks like it has leopard skin.
Beluga whales!
So amazing!
yes I'm still a little kid.
Someone was worn out. So Chase and I saw the rest of the exhibits on our own.. :)
Albino Alligator
Lion Fish
Petting the small sting rays
The frog exhibit was huge but I won't bore you with all the pics. These ones were so cool they looked fake.
Fun day!
So in Peachtree City they have golf cart paths that lead you to all the stores and restaurants and even the schools. They have golf cart parking sections in the parking lots and you could even go to a drive thru in one!! its so awesome!! We went on a couple gold cart adventures and this picture os coming home from dinner on our last night in GA.
We will definitely be going back...... SOON!