Chase's First Fathers Day!
It was good weather that day and very family oriented. We love that.
4 months
Zayah update:
- In Zayahs mind everything is edible. Toys, blankets, her bumbo, my hand, etc.
- Zayah sleeps through the night. Usually gets up around 6:30 or 7:00am, eats, and then goes back to bed until 9:30 or 10:00am.
- She is grabbing things with her little hands now. Anything in front of her she will reach for and of course put it straight to her mouth. She knows that her Binky goes to her mouth and will try so hard to get it in her mouth the right way. She usually ends up sucking on the side or the back of it but she knows the basic concept.
- She is so happy!! She laughs, giggles, and smiles all the time! No matter how upset you are or if it's a bad day, you go pick her up from bed or just look at her and smile and she has the biggest happy face waiting for you. I love that.
- When she was about 3 months or just over 3 months she started to roll from her back to her belly and never really did anymore. Probably because most of the day she plays in her exersaucer and has a ball. Well one day I laid her down in the middle of the living room, ran outside to put the dogs in and when I came back inside she was all the way over by the couch. She had just rolled and kept on going. And of course I missed it.
- at 3 and a half months she is a rolling machine. She doesn't like to stay on her back too much. She will roll immediately to her belly and then just play on her belly for a long time. She loves tummy time. Occasionally, (when I'm not working of course) she will roll over and over and over and I'll find her across the living room.
- My baby girl is sitting up!!!!! She is fairly steady and likes to grab her feet or whatever toy you put in front of her.
- She has definitely found her feet. If she does stay on her back she will grab her feet and LOVES when she has shoes on to play with and try to suck on as well.
- She will hold your fingers when she's tired and trying to fall asleep. She just needs to know you are there and she relaxes and gets so peaceful.
- Her eyes are still blue and she has fuzzy light brown hair. So much lighter than it was when she was born.
- She does not like me to get her Boogies out of her nose. She cries harder at that then anything.
- She is the happiest in the morning. Going to get her from her crib is the best part of my day.
- She lights up when she sees Chase.
- I can't stop kissing her cheeks, they're irresistible.
- She has a daily routine. Eat, play, nap, eat, play, nap. These naps are only like 20 or 30 mins and she usually passes out on the couch or the rug. Some days I will wrap her up and put her in her crib for a nap and she will sleep for an hour or more but mostly we just stay out in the living room and play.
- If she starts to whine you can just walk around the house or go up to the window and let her look out and that usually cures everything.
Zayah got her 4 month shots on Monday June 6, 2011. She didn't cry through the first one, cried for the 2nd and 3rd and then when they were done Chase held a toy up in front of her and she was done crying in an instant. :) It was pretty funny. She weighs 16 pounds and is 25 and 1/4 inches long. She had a cold when we got her shots and that night broke a slight fever, but I gave her medicine before bed and it went away. Her cold is down to just a runny nose now too so hopefully it will all be over soon.
That is an update on our little girl. I am trying to convince Chase that we shouldn't rock the boat and we should just have one child. We got a good baby that sleeps and is happy the first time and I have a feeling if we have another one they will be a hellion. :) haha.. He's not convinced yet, I'll keep trying.