Monday, November 9, 2009


Well I haven't really been doing the challenge as I don't have a computer at home, but I figured I could still tell the things I'm grateful for whenever I remember!!! So here is todays, and maybe this weeks, who knows?!!?

1. My shoes. I'm grateful I don't have to walk around in bare feet. I don't even mind if they are $7.00 flip flops from Wal Mart, in fact that is a good majority of the footwear I have!!

2. Phones. If I didn't have a phone and my husband didn't have a phone, it would be so much harder on us when he goes away for work for weeks at a time. I am so glad we have this handy little things to communicate with each other on.

3. Blankies!!!!!! I know its pathetic, but I have this blanket that my sister Channing made me for Christmas one year, and I wrap up in it in bed every night! Even if I go fall asleep to a movie on the couch I take my blanket and use it there too! I wrap up in it, then put my comforter over top of that. I just love how soft and warm it is wrapped up around my feet. :)

4. Friends. The very good friends that I have are the best! I love conversations with them, dinners with them, get togethers with them, and advice from them! Its crazy that we are all grown up, getting married, and having babies. Especially when you think back to Elementary, Junior high, and High school. We were such punks!!!!

5. Our vehicle. I haven't had a vehicle for a year and a half because I hit a moose. Ever since I lost my car, Chase has let me use his almost everyday. And we weren't even married before! He carpooled to work anyways, and so he left it for me. I appreciate that a lot. And I am very grateful for his truck that we share now and that it runs well. (knock on wood!)

THERE YOU GO!!!!!!!!!