Monday, November 23, 2009


Today is a GREAT Monday! So today I am GREAT- ful!!

GREAT-ful for:

1. Busy days at work! Makes the time FLY!

2. Left over food from the meetings they have in the office. Us office staff always get leftovers (if there are any) and we don't have to worry about lunch! Or we just snack! Its awesome!

3. Seeing friends over the weekend. I threw a baby shower for my friend Mandy and our friends came to visit and then Mandy spent the night and we just hung out! Plus some of our friends have babies so we just got to see them and visit and it was fun!

4. A short work week. I took friday off because:

5. CHASE IS COMING HOME THURSDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see my husband in T-Minus 3 days!! WOOT WOOT!!!

So glad I get to keep busy at work to make the time go by fast so it will seem like my husband will just get here so much faster!!

Can't wait for Thursday!!! Have a good Monday!