Monday, February 1, 2010

Weight Loss Challenge 2010

Today marks the first day of Weight Loss Challenge 2010 between a group of us up here!!

Here's the scoop, we weighed in and took our measurements yesterday and gave them to the one girl who is keeping track of everyones for us. Now we have 2 months, 2 months to work our little butts off, get motivated, and eat better and then we will weigh in again April 1, 2010 and see what the difference is!!! There is also a $30.00 buy in for each girl and then on April 1st whoever has lost the most pounds and inches wins the pot! And if one person loses the most pounds and if a different person loses the most inches, then they will split the pot. I figure if I am working out anyways, why not buy in for a chance to win the whole pot!!!! Every 2 weeks we have given everyone little mini challenges as well to keep them motivated. The first challenge from today to the 14th is to try and drink 10 glasses of water a day. The next 2 weeks will probably be to do X amount of sit ups everyday. We will do something like that every two weeks and we have a group page on facebook that we can all chat on and talk about our progress or set backs and ask questions! I'm really excited with the group of people that have gotten involved. Maybe try to do the same thing with a group from your area and if you don't want to do a buy in then just have a starting weigh in and then pick a date for your final weigh in and all of you get together to share your progress and have a little celebratory party, whatever gets people motivated!!
Now I need information. What are some other good mini challenges we could do? What are you favorite work outs? I have been working out everyday but its the diet that I have the problem sticking with, what do you eat when you are dieting? What has worked for you in the past!? Any advice or feedback you have would be awesome!